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BTPD Rules and Regulations

Report any vandalism to the Perry Farm Park Administration, 815-933-9905. Bradley Police Department enforce park district laws and have the authority to ticket & arrest violators, for emergencies call 911.


Refund Policy

All refund requests must be received at least 2 business days prior to the start of the program (Excluding trips) by filling out a Cancellation Request Form. A credit will be applied to your household if a program is canceled by the Park District. A $5 Administration fee will be applied for each refund request. No refund will be given after a program begins without presenting a physician’s excuse. Refunds will not be given for programs under $10. The amount of the refund, (minus the $5 administrative fee), will be credited to your household balance. There will be NO refunds for trips unless the patron finds a replacement person to occupy their place on the trip or if BTPD has not paid trip expenses. If you are withdrawing or requesting a refund after the program has begun, a refund is not guaranteed. A Refund Request Form must be completed. It will be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor. If it is a medical reason, a doctor’s note must be included with the refund. No refunds will be given once a program or session has ended.

Refunds for cash or check payments will be made by check. Please allow two to four weeks. Refunds for credit card transactions will be applied to the card used.


A positive approach is used regarding discipline. Staff periodically reviews rules with participants during programs. If inappropriate or unacceptable behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought and the Behavior Code of Conduct will be used as a guideline. The Park District reserves the right to remove a participant whose actions endanger the safety of himself or others.

The Behavior Code of Conduct includes:

  • Show respect to all participants, staff and volunteers
  • Follow directions from staff and volunteers
  • Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities
  • Will not use inappropriate, abusive or foul language
  • Will not show any disruptive or aggressive behavior (hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, biting, etc.), regardless of whether the behavior is initiated or in retaliation

Termination of Participant

BTPD reserves the right to terminate the participation of any individual in any Park District program, event or facility for disruptive behavior or if it is considered by the Park District that continued participation of the individual is not in the best interest of the participant or others.

Photo Policy

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in an agency activity or event or visiting agency facilities or property. Please be aware that by participating in an activity, attending an event or visiting agency facilities or property, you authorize the agency to use these photos and video footage in agency publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites operated by the agency) and the agency’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. Members who chose to utilize the childcare center at Recreation Station consent to video surveillance system and abide by the terms of use. All photos and videos taken on Park District properties or at Park District events are for Park District use and become its sole property.

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